Conservative Blog

giovedì 21 febbraio 2008

Navy Missile Hits Decaying Satellite Over Pacific Ocean

WASHINGTON, Feb. 20, 2008 – A network of land-, air-, sea- and spaced-based sensors confirms that the U.S. military intercepted a non-functioning National Reconnaissance Office satellite which was in its final orbits before entering the earth's atmosphere, defense officials announced in a press release.
At approximately 10:26 p.m. EST today, a U.S. Navy AEGIS warship, the USS Lake Erie (CG-70), fired a single modified tactical Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) hitting the satellite approximately 247 kilometers (133 nautical miles) over the Pacific Ocean as it traveled in space at more than 17,000 mph. USS Decatur (DDG-73) and USS Russell (DDG-59) were also part of the task force.
The objective was to rupture the fuel tank to dissipate the approximately 1,000 pounds (453 kg) of hydrazine, a hazardous fuel which could pose a danger to people on earth, before it entered into earth's atmosphere. Confirmation that the fuel tank has been fragmented should be available within 24 hours.
Due to the relatively low altitude of the satellite at the time of the engagement, debris will begin to re-enter the earth’s atmosphere immediately. Nearly all of the debris will burn up on reentry within 24-48 hours and the remaining debris should re-enter within 40 days.
DoD will conduct a press briefing at 7 a.m. EST to provide further information related to the operation. The briefing can be viewed live on through the Pentagon Channel.

martedì 19 febbraio 2008

Finita l'era di un dittatore

Fidel Castro lascia il potere e nella speranza che Cuba e il suo popolo possa conoscere la democrazia negata dal dittatore.

martedì 5 febbraio 2008

Il Giorno della verita'

Oggi martedi 5 febbraio sara' il giorno della verita' negli Stati Uniti per la corsa alla Casa Bianca, infatti oggi e' in programma il Super Tuesday dove si votera' in 20 stati per scegliere il candidato democratico e repubblicano che si scontreranno il 4 novembre per la presidenza.
Se sul versante repubblicano e' nettamente favorito l'eroe di guerra John Mccain su Mitt Romney, in casa democratica continua il testa a testa fra Hilary Clinton e Barack Obama che in queste ore sono stati impegnati in un touer de force per conquistare gli ultimi indecisi.
Quindi non ci resta che aspettare e goderci lo spettacolo!!